All photography provided by Steve Williams Fencing

It all began in a small rural King Country Town...

 A little bit ABOUT ME and what we do

Fencing is an art that you continue to learn and develop. You have to enjoy it to stick with it. In my earlier days I spent many years rural fencing the rough and steep terrain in the heart of the King Country.

I have encountered all types of ground from solid papa to sandy soil and all types of fencing from the little gate at the Neighbours to large Dairy Conversions and Sale Yards - Projects.

These days I am based in the Bay of Plenty servicing Residential, Lifestyle and Commercial customers.

I have built and continue to build a rapport with Customers and Suppliers. I pride myself on quality and always strive for an immaculate finish.

Safety Management Systems by Rural Safe NZ

We endeavor to support local and use quality products from Rotorua ITM

I got Steve to survey my needs. He sent me through a quote in a couple of days. Reasonably priced. They came and carried out the job in the said time. Very happy!
— 5 Star Google Review
Absolute Legend... Does a great job, goes above and beyond and works with high levels of integrity. I always recommend Steve to family and friends.
— 5 Star Google Review
Great price, great work
— 5 Star Google Review